Lack of vitamin B12 can be the cause of sores

 Because of where they appear, sores are annoying and not always easy to heal. We do not always know what they are due to, but some signs should make us suspect a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Sores can be the result of accidentally biting the inside of the cheek or lip. Or by the continuous rubbing of a fractured tooth that erodes a constantly wet area.

The causes are varied and often unknown by the sufferer. However, one of the lesser-known causes is a lack of vitamin B12.


Vitamin B12 is a fundamental nutrient for forming red blood cells and for neuronal regeneration and maintenance.

Due to its lack of presence in the diet or due to difficulties in absorbing it, a deficiency of this vitamin would lead to anemia, just like that produced by having low iron levels. And one of the symptoms that it would warn is a clear tendency to suffer from these canker sores.

What are the injuries like? They are usually round or oval; they are white, yellow, or gray over an inflamed area with a deep red border. It can appear one or more and in any part of the inside of the mouth. It is widespread for them to heal in one area and soon after appear in another.

You would also notice a lot of tiredness, dizziness, and pale or yellowish skin.

Vitamin B12 is present in foods of animal origin; why should you took more sardines, mackerel, eggs, meat, or feta cheese.

As soon as you give the body the necessary vitamin again, the benefits are seen quickly. Vegan people should take a supplement of this vitamin to avoid the appearance of complications.

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